The lightweight, rugged GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Steel Bottle cup / pot can be placed on a stove to boil water or used to hold your favorite beverage while you eat dinner.
The 18 fl. oz.(532 mL) Glacier Stainless Bottle Cup/Pot is designed to fit around most round 1 liter water bottles, eliminating the wasted space of packing a more traditional cup. The wire handles fold flat to save space and extend for cooking or a little bit of extra reach so you don’t end up in the creek. It’s great for all drinks and its stainless steel construction means it’s safe to warm up over gas burners or the campfire.
Features and Specifications
Made of ultra-rugged food-grade Glacier stainless steel.
Designed to slip over standard 1 L water bottles or to hold and store one small fuel canister.
Folding bail handles provide further space-savings and convenience.
Size: 532 ml / 18 fl. oz. (20 fl. oz. full dimension)
Weight: 139g / 4.9 oz.
Material: Stainless Steel.
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